John Smolko

John has been a realist in one form or another since college.
His fascination with the visual world has never been abated
and he found himself overwhelmed with the variety of form and beauty ever present in the environment.
Early in his career he took the organic point of view for realism and drew objects entirely from his surroundings
and always of a personal nature.
Later he experimented with symbolism and started to explore the wonders of color through colored pencils.

Upcoming Workshops

Suggested Supply List

Colored Pencils

  • Set of 72
  • Ruler

  • 12 - 18 inches
  • Pencil Sharpener

    Drawing Boards

    Drawing Paper


    Reference Photos and/or Objects

    Optional Supplies:

  • Oil Pastels
  • Art Stixs
  • Erasers
  • An unbridled passion for experimentation
  • Gallery

    Some of John's works in the museum's collection